
NPR News: New York City Mayor Warns Schools Might Need To Close Next Week

New York City Mayor Warns Schools Might Need To Close Next Week Mayor Bill de Blasio warned that schools in New York City could close as early as Monday. There's a debate over whether schools should be closed while restaurants and bars remain open. Read more on NPR

Strasburg High honor roll ON-A-ROLL Ethan Casada, American History; Declan Mullen, World History; John Mathews, Algebra I; Janeth Gonzalez -Hernandez, Algebra II; ... from Algebra

NPR News: Alyssa Loorya: What Can A 300-Year Old Farmhouse Tell Us About Metropolitan New York?

Alyssa Loorya: What Can A 300-Year Old Farmhouse Tell Us About Metropolitan New York? In the heart of urban Brooklyn, a 300-year old farmhouse still stands. Archaeologist Alyssa Loorya explains how artifacts found at the site trace the life cycles of New York City--from 1720 to today. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Lessons From Europe, Where Cases Are Rising But Schools Are Open

Lessons From Europe, Where Cases Are Rising But Schools Are Open Amid a new wave of coronavirus restrictions, France, the U.K., Germany and Italy are keeping schools open. The U.S. has taken a different approach. Read more on NPR

Super Ginsparg–Wilson algebra and Dirac operator on the super fuzzy Euclidean hyperboloid ... Then, using the generators of this algebra , we construct pseudo super-Dirac and chirality operators in both sectors. We also construct pseudo super- ... from Algebra

The Subjects You Needed For Admission To Harvard In The 1890s Are STAGGERING ... the basics of Classical literature, algebra and plane geometry, has demonstrated familiarity with the laws of physics and elementary astronomy, and ... from Algebra