
Showing posts from January, 2018

Here's why Mississippi won't swap exit exams for the ACT Gary Chism, D-Columbus, respectively would have scrapped Mississippi's four subject area tests—in Algebra I, English II, U.S. History and Biology I—in favor of the college admissions exam. Both proposals died without a vote Tuesday sparking fierce backlash on social media from some teachers and ... from Algebra

The return of the Scottish solids

Image In Januari’s issue of the Notices of the AMS there’s a paper by Mohammad Ghomi Dürer’s Unfolding Problem for Convex Polyhedra . Here are the opening lines: “Convex polyhedra are among the oldest mathematical objects. Indeed the five platonic solids, which constitute the climax of Euclid’s books, were already known to the ancient people of Scotland some 4,000 years ago; see Figure 1.” It sure would make a good story, the (ancient) Scotts outsmarting the Greek in discovering the five Platonic solids. Sadly, the truth is different. Once again, hat tip to +David Roberts on Google+ for commenting on the AMS announcement and for linking to a post by John Baez and a couple of older posts here refuting this claim. Perhaps the most readable of the two posts is: Scottish solids, final(?) comments in which I tell the story of the original post and its aftermath. The bottom-line is this: Summarizing : the Challifour photograph is not taken at the Ashmolean ...

Residents voice concerns to school board about proposed math program changes The district has released a draft future math pathways proposal that recommends the phasing out of the middle school five-year pathway, an accelerated math program that currently allows students to complete math 6/7 in sixth grade, math 8/ algebra in seventh grade and honors geometry in eighth. from Algebra

Annapolis algebra teacher honored with $25000 Milken Award Josh Jacoby heads the math department at the school and spoke highly of his co-worker. "She is by far, I think, one of the most dynamic teachers I have ever witnessed," he told ABC7 News. Senior Kayla Ngo said, "Out of all the teachers I've had, she made math the most enjoyable subject which is why ... from Algebra

New Ohio Law Focuses on Computer Science, Allows Students to Avoid Algebra 2 It would allow them to opt out of taking Algebra 2 in high school, and instead enroll in advanced computer science—a provision that worries some math education proponents. Christina Sherman, president of the Ohio Council of Teachers of Mathematics, said her organization had not taken an official ... from Algebra

Preparing students for life after high school While an extremely important math course for students pursuing STEM subjects or college readiness, Algebra II is not always vital to many students' post-high school plans. My legislation would give the State Board of Education the flexibility to consider other, more career-appropriate math course ... from Algebra

NPR News: Do You Know A Teacher Who Has Gone The Extra Mile — Or Beyond?

Do You Know A Teacher Who Has Gone The Extra Mile — Or Beyond? Tell us about a teacher you know who has gone beyond the classroom call of duty. Read more on NPR

The Langlands program and non-commutative geometry

Image The Bulletin of the AMS just made this paper by Julia Mueller available online: “On the genesis of Robert P. Langlands’ conjectures and his letter to Andre Weil” (hat tip +ChandanDalawat and +DavidRoberts on Google+). It recounts the story of the early years of Langlands and the first years of his mathematical career (1960-1966)leading up to his letter to Andre Weil in which he outlines his conjectures, which would become known as the Langlands program . Langlands letter to Weil is available from the IAS . The Langlands program is a vast net of conjectures. For example, it conjectures that there is a correspondence between – $n$-dimensional representations of the absolute Galois group $Gal(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}/\mathbb{Q})$, and – specific data coming from an adelic quotient-space $GL_n(\mathbb{A}_{\mathbb{Q}})/GL_n(\mathbb{Q})$. For $n=1$ this is essentially class field theory with the correspondence given by Artin’s reciprocity law . Here we hav...

NPR News: Students, Alumni Watch As Michigan State Tries To Restore Its Reputation

Students, Alumni Watch As Michigan State Tries To Restore Its Reputation The university grapples with the aftermath of the Larry Nassar sex abuse scandal that's left students, faculty, alumni and donors wondering what's next, and bracing for civil suits against the school. Read more on NPR

I admit it; we all need math Mathematics consists of the study of relationships among numbers, shapes and quantities using signs, symbols and proofs in algebra , calculus, geometry and trigonometry. Arithmetic is all about numbers and mathematics is all about theory." I did fine with arithmetic but mathematics put me in a fog. from Algebra

Linear Algebra Synopsis: Covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, unitary spaces, quadratic forms in Euclidean and unitary ... from Algebra

Algebra Instructor Description: Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. is a nationally recognized for-profit, post-secondary education company providing career training in the field of allied health, and we have an opening for an Algebra Adjunct Instructor. Responsibilities include: Provide instruction to the Adjunct class. from Algebra

College algebra with intermediate algebra : a blended course Contents. Review of basic algebra ; Solving linear equations and inequalities; Graphs, functions, and applications; Systems of equations; Polynomials and polynomial functions; Rational expressions, equations, and functions; Radical expressions, equations, and functions; Quadratic functions and ... from Algebra

NPR News: In D.C., 34 Percent Of Graduates Received A Diploma Against District Policy

In D.C., 34 Percent Of Graduates Received A Diploma Against District Policy Following the WAMU/NPR investigation into policy violations at Ballou High School, a new report shows that more than 900 students districtwide graduated against policy. Read more on NPR

State testing for graduation fails students I met a family from the west side of the state in 2013 whose daughter had a 3.8 GPA, a full ride to Evergreen State College, but the daughter could not pass the state algebra exam and was denied her high school diploma and the opportunity to participate in the graduation ceremony. The mother and ... from Algebra

NPR News: Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future

Nearly 9,000 DACA Teachers Face An Uncertain Future Classroom teachers covered by the federal immigration program could lose their jobs and face deportation unless Congress and the Trump administration reach agreement on protecting them. Read more on NPR

Tutoring High School Algebra 2 3 Tutoring High School Algebra 2 jobs hiring near you. Browse Tutoring High School Algebra 2 jobs and apply online. Search Tutoring High School Algebra 2 to find your next Tutoring High School Algebra 2 job near you. from Algebra

A forgotten type and roots of unity (again)

Image The monstrous moonshine picture is the finite piece of Conway’s Big Picture needed to understand the 171 moonshine groups associated to conjugacy classes of the monster. Last time I claimed that there were exactly 7 types of local behaviour, but I missed one. The forgotten type is centered at the number lattice $84$. Locally around it the moonshine picture looks like this \[ \xymatrix{42 \ar@{-}[dr] & 28 \frac{1}{3} \ar@[red]@{-}[d] & 41 \frac{1}{2} \ar@{-}[ld] \\ 28 \ar@[red]@{-}[r] & \color{grey}{84} \ar@[red]@{-}[r] \ar@[red]@{-}[d] \ar@{-}[rd] & 28 \frac{2}{3} \\ & 252 & 168} \] and it involves all square roots of unity ($42$, $42 \frac{1}{2}$ and $168$) and $3$-rd roots of unity ($28$, $28 \frac{1}{3}$, $28 \frac{2}{3}$ and $252$) centered at $84$. No, I’m not hallucinating, there are indeed $3$ square roots of unity and $4$ third roots of unity as they come in two families , depending on which of the two canonical forms to...

Amazing View | Spacious 2 Bedroom in The Palm Jumeirah Amazing Two Bedroom Apartment in Oceana Carribean, Palm Jumeirah - 2 Bedroom / 2485 Total SqFt / Call 800 BROKER... from Algebra

NPR News: What Kind of Screen Time Parent Are You? Take This Quiz And Find Out

What Kind of Screen Time Parent Are You? Take This Quiz And Find Out Are you strict, pushover or right down the middle? These nine questions could help you find the right balance when it comes to your kids and digital devices. Read more on NPR

Math = Love: 2018

Image Math = Love: 2018 from Algebra

Math = Love: 2018

Image Math = Love: 2018 from Algebra

Math = Love: 2018

Image Math = Love: 2018 from Algebra

We kicked off our le

Image We kicked off our lesson on evaluating expressions with the parenthetical promise. Every year, I force my students to make the following pro... from Algebra

Math = Love: 2018

Image Math = Love: 2018 from Algebra

New study reveals way to save billions on textbooks For example, the study showed how a college algebra course would charge $147 for a book bundled with an access code. A used textbook for the class would only cost $46. Yet, according to the study, 78 percent of schools in the study used the access codes for this course, meaning even if a student ... from Algebra

Black Hawk College Digest for January 28 Explore the various alphabets you can use in art, scrapbooking, card-making and more with the Black Hawk College class, Calligraphy. The class is open to beginners as well as experienced calligraphers. It will meet Mondays, Feb. 5 to March 19, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the college's Quad-Cities Campus ... via Math Tips

'We believe in you;' How one Oregon high school guides Latino students to graduation Putnam High security guard Rich Peña catches up with former student Vania Torres, now a college student studying to become a nurse. Peña, a Spanish speaking immigrant, is an important part of a schoolwide culture that works hard to say 'I notice you,' 'I'm on your side' and 'I know you can do it.'. from Algebra

Grothendieck’s gribouillis (3)

Image As far as I know there are no recent developments in the story of Grothendieck’s Lasserre writings. Since may 2017 the Mormoiron part of the notes, saved by Jean Malgoire, are scanned and made available at the Archives Grothendieck . Some of Grothendieck’s children were present at the opening ceremony, and an interview was made with Alexandre jr. : Rather than going into Grothendieck’s mathematics, he speaks highly of his father’s role in the ecological ( Survivre et vivre ) and anti-nuclear movements of the early 70ties. The full story of Survivre et Vivre, and Grothendieck’s part in it, can be read in the thesis by Celine Pessis: Les années 1968 et la science. Survivre … et Vivre, des mathématiciens critiques à l’origine de l’écologisme Here’s her talk at the IHES: “L’engagement d’Alexandre Grothendieck durant la première moitié des années 1970”. Returning to Montpellier’s Archives Grothendieck , Mateo Carmona G started a project to transcribe ‘La Lo...

Spacious High floor studio - Skyline View Jumeirah Lake Towers - Dubai New Gate 2 Studio on High Floor overlooking Sheikh Zayed Road and the Dubai Marina... from Algebra

16 different linear

Image 16 different linear verbal situations. Ss come up with equation, table & graph, from Algebra

Algebra I 90 Questio

Image Algebra I 90 Question EOC Review from Algebra

Michigan offer leaves 2019 DE Michael Fletcher 'lost for words' "We talked about his summer job when he was a kid and algebra ." Fletcher will make a return visit to Michigan in June. Fletcher is ranked No. 415 in the 2019 class, according to the 247Sports Composite. He is the 31st-best strong-side defensive end and No. 12 ranked player in Michigan. Stay tuned to ... from Algebra

CBSE Exam Preparation Tips d) If you really want to excels in Math's ,then it is really important to completely be in sync with your NCERT book, Almost the whole question paper comprises of Concepts and Formulas that are given in NCERT book. Besides, solve most of NCERT EXAMPLER'followed by CBSE sample papers. via Math Tips

Elementary linear algebra Elementary linear algebra . Responsibility: James Kirkwood and Bessie H. Kirkwood. Publication: Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2018. Physical description: 1 online resource. Series: Textbooks in mathematics (Boca Raton, Fla.) ... from Algebra

NPR News: School Shootings Are Sad, But No Longer Surprising

School Shootings Are Sad, But No Longer Surprising The school shooting in Kentucky that killed two students and injured 16 others was the 11th of 2018 in the U.S. NPR's Scott Simon wonders if school shootings have lost the power to shock and sober us. Read more on NPR

From the Da Vinci code to Galois

Image In The Da Vinci Code , Dan Brown feels he need to bring in a French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, to explain the mystery behind this series of numbers: 13 – 3 – 2 – 21 – 1 – 1 – 8 – 5 The Fibonacci sequence , 1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144-… is such that any number in it is the sum of the two previous numbers. It is the most famous of all integral linear recursive sequences , that is, a sequence of integers \[ a = (a_0,a_1,a_2,a_3,\dots) \] such that there is a monic polynomial with integral coefficients of a certain degree $n$ \[ f(x) = x^n + b_1 x^{n-1} + b_2 x^{n-2} + \dots + b_{n-1} x + b_n \] such that for every integer $m$ we have that \[ a_{m+n} + b_1 a_{m+n-1} + b_2 a_{m+n-2} + \dots + b_{n-1} a_{m+1} + a_m = 0 \] For the Fibonacci series $F=(F_0,F_1,F_2,\dots)$, this polynomial can be taken to be $x^2-x-1$ because \[ F_{m+2} = F_{m+1}+F_m \] The set of all integral linear recursive sequences, let’s call it $\Re(\mathbb{Z})$, is a beautifu...

NPR News: Olympic Scandal Hits Michigan State University; DeVos Calls Students 'Unprepared'

Olympic Scandal Hits Michigan State University; DeVos Calls Students 'Unprepared' Plus, students getting their money back in bankruptcy, and more in the weekly education roundup. Read more on NPR

Title I Parent Outreach Yields Promise of Student Achievement Topics included how the public library can help, healthy eating, cyberbullying, health insurance, getting ready for kindergarten, an overview of the Division's English Learner Program and state testing, keeping children safe at home, tips for learning math , and an introduction to the Division's Adult ... via Math Tips

Tired of re-teaching

Image Tired of re-teaching how to solve equations? Using this method will help the concept of solving equations to stick. Great method that you can put to use in your classroom today. Click here to read on. from Algebra

Hands On Algebra My students need a concrete way to understand algebra . Many students struggle with "legal moves" and how to apply algebraic rules to simplify problems. This Hands on Algebraic Set allows students "see the algebra ". Our Junior High math classroom is filled with a variety of inquisitive students. from Algebra

Dozens of teacher openings in school districts across the region halfway through school year RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — It's an issue at school districts across the state. Classrooms filled with short and long-term subs. It's all part of a growing problem in Virginia involving teacher shortages. “We found out when school started that they did not have an Algebra 2 teacher,” said parent Kelley Marlin. from Algebra

'Algebra Nation' app helping students at RB Stall High School master algebra “You can test yourself, get help from the tutors on Algebra Nation,” Shine added. Algebra Nation is an app that's giving freshmen at Stall High School access to tutoring videos that walks them through algebra problems. There's also a forum where students can chat with study experts to get help. “They're ... from Algebra

Community news: Brandon benefit; Alex math league; computer class 22 meet, correctly solving problems in algebra , geometry, advanced algebra , trigonometry and pre-calculus. They were followed by Pelican Rapids with 27 points, Detroit Lakes with 16, Breckenridge with 14, and Fergus Falls with 12. It was the fourth meet of the season. Alexandria trails Moorhead for ... from Algebra

REVEALED: Eldest House of Horrors sibling excelled at his community college in subjects such as ... REVEALED: Eldest House of Horrors sibling excelled at his community college in subjects such as algebra , guitar and public speaking and was twice named an honor roll ... He earned A's in many classes, including algebra , guitar, public speaking, English fundamentals and freshman composition. from Algebra

NPR News: Teach Students To Use Social Media (The Right Way) And The Possibilities Are Endless

Teach Students To Use Social Media (The Right Way) And The Possibilities Are Endless Social media can be a big part of students' lives, and teachers across the country are finding ways to use popular platforms as teaching tools. Read more on NPR

NPR News: We Asked, You Answered: When Should We Call Something 'Racist'?

We Asked, You Answered: When Should We Call Something 'Racist'? Always! Never! Sometimes? You had some strong opinions. Read more on NPR

What we (don’t) know

Image Do we know why the monster exists and why there’s moonshine around it? The answer depends on whether or not you believe that vertex operator algebras are natural, elegant and inescapable objects. the monster Simple groups often arise from symmetries of exceptionally nice mathematical objects. The smallest of them all, $A_5$, gives us the rotation symmetries of the icosahedron . The next one, Klein’s simple group $L_2(7)$, comes from the Klein quartic . The smallest sporadic groups, the Mathieu groups , come from Steiner systems , and the Conway groups from the 24-dimensional Leech lattice . What about the largest sporadic simple, the monster $\mathbb{M}$? In his paper What is … the monster? Richard Borcherds writes (among other characterisations of $\mathbb{M}$): “3. It is the automorphism group of the monster vertex algebra . (This is probably the best answer.)” But, even Borcherds adds: “Unfortunately none of these definitions is completely sati...

From Spanish Algebra to Bukharian Revival Among his original works is the first mathematical treatise in Europe that contains the solutions to the quadratic equation we still study today in basic algebra : ax2+bx+c=0! This work is known as Eibbur ha-Meshihah ve-ha-Tishboret (“Treatise on measures and calculations”) and was translated to Latin as ... from Algebra

Indy Math Teacher Wins $25K Award For Excellence Also, she shows her students how math, especially algebra , is relevant to their lives. "But when will I ever need this?" kids so often ask about math. Lents showed them how relevant it can be, using a spreadsheet and some algebra magic to compare cell phone billing plans, giving her students ... from Algebra

Cranford Public Schools to Hold Math & Reading Information Session for Parents of Young Students CRANFORD, NJ – Cranford Public Schools will host a mathematics and reading information session for parents of children in kindergarten through second grade. The session will be ran by math coach Debra Shriner and literacy coach Lorraine Madden. The two will provide tips , activities, ideas and ... via Math Tips

Need Geometry And Little Algebra Tutoring Jobs Now Hiring 1 Need Geometry And Little Algebra Tutoring jobs hiring near you. Browse Need Geometry And Little Algebra Tutoring jobs and apply online. Search Need Geometry And Little Algebra Tutoring to find your next Need Geometry And Little Algebra Tutoring job near you. from Algebra

Annapolis High teacher wins $25000 Milken award Felton's approach to teaching has been proven to work — in a statement announcing the award, Milken foundation officials said Felton's students showed a 20 percent growth from 2015 and 2016 in their PARCC tests for Algebra 1. She has also helped to improve the school's average AP Calculus ... from Algebra

Abstract Algebra Synopsis: This excellent textbook provides undergraduates with an accessible introduction to the basic concepts of abstract algebra and to the analysis of abstract algebraic systems. These systems, which consist of sets of elements, operations, and relations among the elements, and prescriptive axioms ... from Algebra

Extending McKay’s E8 graph?

Image If you take two Fischer involutions in the monster (elements of conjugacy class 2A) and multiply them, the resulting element surprisingly belongs to one of just 9 conjugacy classes: 1A,2A,2B,3A,3C,4A,4B,5A or 6A The orders of these elements are exactly the dimensions of the fundamental root for the extended $E_8$ Dynkin diagram. This is the content of John McKay’s E(8)-observation : there should be a precise relation between the nodes of the extended Dynkin diagram and these 9 conjugacy classes in such a way that the order of the class corresponds to the component of the fundamental root. More precisely, one conjectures the following correspondence: John Duncan found such a connection by considering carefully the corresponding moonshine groups and their inter-relation. For more on this, look at the old post E8 from moonshine groups . The extended Dynkin diagram with these moonshine groups as vertices is: Duncan does this by assigning numbers to moonshine...

The Perfect Way to Roast a Potato, According to Math If the hospitality school's taste tests with chefs and the public are any indication, the unusually cut potatoes are probably more delicious than whatever you're currently making at home. If you want to maximize the rest of your time in the kitchen with other cooking tips based on math and science, you can ... via Math Tips

Yoga in Costa Rica: top tips to align your body during class The small studio is owned by Mariel Marmaroto, a certified yoga instructor with a master's degree in therapeutic yoga who is also a math teacher. Marmaroto, who hails from Argentina, focuses on personalizing her teaching to each student as she guides them throughout the class. We chose Hatha yoga ... via Math Tips

Inside the minds of Baker tutors Senior Mackenzie Brock tutors for accounting, algebra , business, corporate finance, economics and managerial accounting courses. She is an accounting and business finance major from Dodge City. As a tutor what challenges do you face? Finding the right way of explaining things to people because ... from Algebra

Kansas may consider more tuition-free courses Five three-hour courses are being identified for this proposed program: English Composition I, English Composition II, Public Speaking, Psychology and College Algebra , said Barton Community College Director of Public Relations Brandon Steinert. The draft recommendation being considered by the ... from Algebra

Annapolis High School Teacher Wins $25K Milken Award Felton's students showed 20% growth from 2015 to 2016 in Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) year-end assessments for Algebra I. She works equally well with both high- and low-performing students: In the three years Felton has taught AP Calculus at AHS, ... from Algebra

Unionville-Chadds Ford school directors agree to keep Keystone requirement The three Keystone tests are Algebra , English and Biology. ... If students enrolled in career and technical education do not do well enough on the Keystone examinations in Algebra 1, literature and biology, they will be permitted to graduate anyway if they meet school district requirements in those ... from Algebra

Picture-perfect approach to science Now, new research has offered tantalizing hints that quon could offer insights into a host of other areas in mathematics, from algebra to Fourier analysis, as well as in theoretical physics, from statistical physics to string theory. The researchers describe their vision of the project in a paper that appeared ... from Algebra

CISD hires Wheat Middle School assistant principal Before coming to Cleburne, Smith served as an Algebra I and eighth-grade math teacher and math department chair at Brooks Wester Middle School in Mansfield ISD since 2013. He began his teaching career in 2010 at White Settlement ISD's Brewer High School where he taught Algebra I, Algebra II ... from Algebra

Annapolis High teacher wins $25000 Milken award Felton's approach has been proven to work — in a statement announcing the award Milken foundation officials said Felton's students showed a 20 percent growth from 2015 and 2016 in their PARCC tests for Algebra 1. She has also helped to improve the school's average AP Calculus scores, and ... from Algebra

My 16 Year Old Need Help Specifically With Algebra And Trigonometry To Improve Grades. My 16 Year Old Need Help Specifically With Algebra And Trigonometry To Improve Grades. She also has a math test that needs to be retake by the end of next week. from Algebra

m A Student At PVCC Starting College Algebra Just Need Math Tutor About 2 4 Hours 0 M Student At Pvcc Starting College Algebra Just Need Math Tutor About 2 4 Hours Week jobs hiring near you. Browse M Student At Pvcc Starting College Algebra Just Need Math Tutor About 2 4 Hours Week jobs and apply online. Search M Student At Pvcc Starting College Algebra Just Need Math ... from Algebra

One Man's Rant: I used to like math In algebra terms, the number five was no longer a simple, unpretentious five because numbers weren't just numbers anymore. They can pose as real numbers, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, integers, whole numbers, round numbers, pluperfect numbers and numbers that run off to join the circus ... from Algebra

NPR News: Laptops And Phones In The Classroom: Yea, Nay Or A Third Way?

Laptops And Phones In The Classroom: Yea, Nay Or A Third Way? We asked teachers, professors, a psychiatrist and a technologist for their thoughts, and we heard a range of opinions on one of the most "weirdly divisive" issues in education. Read more on NPR

a morning in the mountains

Image For mornings like this I happily drive a day to be here. from Never Ending Books

Ashley McBryde Announces Debut Album 'Girl Going Nowhere' Back in her home town, an algebra teacher told McBryde that she would never achieve her singing dreams. Now, the “Arkansas red-clay badass,” nicknamed by Rolling Stone, feels satisfaction as she releases her new album for the world to hear! The album is a collection of stories, representative of her ... from Algebra

Specious layout|Vacant|Amazing Price Algebra Real Estate is very excited to offer you this perfectly designed layout, one of a kind in the building,... from Algebra

the moonshine picture – at last

Image The monstrous moonshine picture is the subgraph of Conway’s big picture consisting of all lattices needed to describe the 171 moonshine groups. It consists of: – exactly 218 vertices (that is, lattices), out of which – 97 are number-lattices (that is of the form $M$ with $M$ a positive integer), and – 121 are proper number-like lattices (that is of the form $M \frac{g}{h}$ with $M$ a positive integer, $h$ a divisor of $24$ and $1 \leq g \leq h$ with $(g,h)=1$). The $97$ number lattices are closed under taking divisors , and the corresponding Hasse diagram has the following shape Here, number-lattices have the same colour if they have the same local structure in the moonshine picture (that is, have a similar neighbourhood of proper number-like lattices). There are 7 different types of local behaviour: The white numbered lattices have no proper number-like neighbours in the picture. The yellow number lattices (2,10,14,18,22,26,32,34,40,68,80,88,90,112...

NPR News: What Do Asthma, Heart Disease And Cancer Have In Common? Maybe Childhood Trauma

What Do Asthma, Heart Disease And Cancer Have In Common? Maybe Childhood Trauma Toxic stress in childhood can lead to a lifetime of health problems and, ultimately, a shorter life. Here's what schools can do to help. Read more on NPR

Ignore the Hollywood Campaign to End Tipping Because it would eliminate the slim profit margins on which restaurants operate. Currently some of servers' total pay comes from tips . If this portion is eliminated, restaurant owners would have to make up the shortfall, overwhelming their relatively meager profit. Some simple math helps make the point. via Math Tips

Chris Steinhauser: 3 tips for Gov. Brown on how to close California's pervasive achievement gaps When we consider existing policies such as the Local Control Funding Formula, our data show that achievement gaps are widening in both English language arts and math for African-American and Latino students compared to white and Asian students when we look at how far the average student is ... via Math Tips

Honors Algebra Help Jobs Now Hiring 2 Honors Algebra Help jobs hiring near you. Browse Honors Algebra Help jobs and apply online. Search Honors Algebra Help to find your next Honors Algebra Help job near you. from Algebra

math minds Teacher shares tips to boost students' " math minds". 1/22/2018. Every student -- with encouragement, perseverance, effort and patience -- can reach new levels in math , asserts second-grade teacher Dea Begert. In this commentary, she shares ideas for parents and teachers to help support growth of ... via Math Tips

On a (No Longer) New Segal Algebra: A Review of the Feichtinger Algebra Since its invention in 1979 the Feichtinger algebra has become a useful Banach space of functions with applications in time-frequency analysis, the theory of pseudo-differential operators and several. from Algebra

Project: Here We Go Algebra! My students need rulers and colored pencils for graphing and cardstock for task cards. They need calculators, so they don't get hung up on basic arithmetic. My algebra students are learning math from a different perspective. They haven't had much success in math classes in the past. For some reason ... from Algebra

MaintenX Provides Businesses Tips for Managing Winter Snow For more than 35 years, MaintenX International has been providing businesses with snow removal services. Here are some tips to help be sure your building will stay safe in the snow: 1. Do the Math : The equation is simple: Roof Square Footage x 20 pounds = Maximum Snow Weight. Most homes, no ... via Math Tips

5 Tips To Ace The GRE & Achieve Your Ideal Score With the Quantitative section, make a list of all of the math concepts you're the least rusty on. There is a wealth of quality math workbooks on Amazon and free math resources you can find with some simple Googling, all of which can help you brush up on that geometry you haven't seen since freshman ... via Math Tips

4 years of math or 3? West Carroll board debates Utsinger said a 3-year requirement would give students more flexibility in their course choices; he added it appears classes after Algebra II were “watered down.” Board member Beverly Kilpatrick suggested increasing the rigor of Algebra II. Further complicating matters, the district is short a math teacher, ... from Algebra

West Boca High students turn in math teacher who gave them all A's The class in question was Math for College Readiness, a course some students take after Algebra 2 instead of going to Pre-Calculus. Sheetz taught several periods of that class and one Algebra 1 class – but the Algebra 1 grades were untouched, Sommer said. The grades were changed for 100 ... from Algebra

Sheaf of algebras In algebraic geometry, a sheaf of algebras on a ringed space X is a sheaf of commutative rings on X that is also a sheaf of O X {\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{X}} {\mathcal {O}}_{X} -modules. It is quasi-coherent if it is so as a module. When X is a scheme, just like a ring, one can take the global Spec of a ... from Algebra

Knights and Knaves, the Heyting way

Image (image credit: Joe Blitzstein via Twitter ) Smullyan’s Knights and Knaves problems are classics. On an island all inhabitants are either Knights (who only tell true things) and Knaves (who always lie). You have to determine their nature from a few statements. Here’s a very simple problem: “Abercrombie met just two inhabitants, A and B. A made the following statement: “Both of us are Knaves.” What is A and what is B?” Now, this one is simple enough to solve, but for more complicated problems a generic way to solve the puzzles is to use propositional calculas, as explained in Smullyan’s Logical Labyrinths” , chapter 8 “Liars, truth-tellers and propositional logic’. If an inhabitants $A$ asserts a proposition $P$, and if $k_A$ is the assertion ‘$A$ is a Knight’, then the statement can be rephrased as \[ k_A \Leftrightarrow P \] for if $A$ is a Knight, $P$ must be true and if $A$ is a Knave $P$ must be false. Usually, one can express $P$ as a propositional ...

What's "exploding" in high school Algebra? Eventbrite - What's "exploding" in high school Algebra ? - Thursday, 25 January 2018 at H4-1016. Find event and ticket information. from Algebra

Amazing Offer / Studio in Al Thamam Price, 410,000 AED. Type, Apartment. Reference, algebra -590970. RERA Permit No. 19661. Bedrooms, studio. Bathrooms, 1. Area, 37 sqm / 402 sqft. Price / Sqft, 1,020 AED ... from Algebra

A+ Athlete: Tyler Goldsworthy, Gainesville Tyler ranks number 1 in his class, he carries a GPA of 5.48, he's a member of Gainesville's U.I.L. academic team, he's a Peer Leadership Coach in Algebra , and by the time he graduates high school, he will also have is associates degree. "It's all time management," said Tyler Goldsworthy. "Just keeping ... from Algebra

Canyon Views: Supporting students to help their “Math Minds” grow It's up to parents and teachers to guide students on that journey to grow their math minds and nurture their perseverance. Here are a few tips —- by the numbers: 1. Explore math on their own. Give your students a math project and allow them to be creative to complete the assignment. Some children may ... via Math Tips

SAT prep The Math component practice will focus on pre- algebra , algebra and geometry. The SAT Prep course costs $149 per participant, which includes the course prep textbook. Participants are required to bring their own calculators. The BEST Center will offer the SAT Prep course at three locations this year ... from Algebra

Hands-On Algebra My students need to interact with algebra concepts in a tactile way. I teach creative students with limited resources to display their talent. I teach freshman at an urban high school in Columbus, OH. My students live in poverty; we have 100% free and reduced... from Algebra

a SNORTgo endgame

Image SNORT , invented by Simon NORTon is a map-coloring game, similar to COL. Only, this time, neighbours may not be coloured differently. SNORTgo, similar to COLgo , is SNORT played with go-stones on a go-board. That is, adjacent stones must have the same colour. SNORT is a ‘hot’ game, meaning that each player is eager to move as most moves will improve your position. In COL players are reluctant to move, because a move limits your next moves. For this reason, SNORT positions are much harder to evaluate, and one needs the full force of Conways’s ONAG . Here’s a SNORTgo endgame. Who has a winning strategy? , and what is the first move in that strategy? The method to approach such an endgame is similar to that in COLgo . First we remove all dead spots from the board. What remains, are a 4 spots available only to Right (white) and 5 spots available only to Left (bLack). Further, there a 3 ‘live’ regions: the upper righthand corner and the two lower corners. The...

Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides Get now : DOWNLOAD PDF GMAT Algebra Strategy Guide (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides),GMAT Algebra Strategy Guide (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy Guides) ebook download,GMAT Algebra Strategy Guide (Manhattan Prep GMAT Strategy ... from Algebra

a non-commutative Jack Daniels problem

Image At a seminar at the College de France in 1975, Tits wrote down the order of the monster group \[ \# \mathbb{M} = 2^{46}.3^{20}.5^9.7^6.11^2.13^3.17·19·23·29·31·41·47·59·71 \] Andrew Ogg , who attended the talk, noticed that the prime divisors are precisely the primes $p$ for which the characteristic $p$ super-singular $j$-invariants are all defined over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Here’s Ogg’s paper on this: Automorphismes de courbes modulaires , Séminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. Théorie des nombres, tome 16, no 1 (1974-1975). Ogg offered a bottle of Jack Daniels for an explanation of this coincidence. Even Richard Borcherds didn’t claim the bottle of Jack Daniels, though his proof of the monstrous moonshine conjecture is believed to be the best explanation, at present. A few years ago, John Duncan and Ken Ono posted a paper “The Jack Daniels Problem” , in which they prove that monstrous moonshine implies that if $p$ is not one of Ogg’s primes it cannot be a diviso...

NPR News: DeVos: 'Common Core Is Dead'; A Large Online Charter School Is Shut Down

DeVos: 'Common Core Is Dead'; A Large Online Charter School Is Shut Down School-to-prison pipeline, foster youth transportation, and more education news of the week. Read more on NPR

BEST Center offering SAT preparation courses WARSAW — The BEST Center at Genesee Community College has released its SAT prep course schedule. The SAT prep course is designed to prepare students for the English and math components of the SAT exam. It familiarizes students with the exam format and uses practice questions similar to ... from Algebra

LETTERS - Problem with schools is in operation, not funds For my program individuals were required to have a high school diploma with first year algebra . I developed a screening test which tested comprehension levels of listening and reading English, basic math, and simple algebra (E=I x R). In a class of 32 students, 5 flunked my screening test. When asked ... from Algebra

Ashley McBryde Unveils Plans for Debut Album, 'Girl Going Nowhere' Ever since she was told by an algebra teacher that she'd never succeed, Ashley McBryde has had a fire in her heart to prove them wrong. The Arkansas native is readying herself for that revelation with the announcement of her highly-anticipated debut album, Girl Going Nowhere. The triumphant project ... from Algebra

Álgebra moderna e introducción al algebra geométrica Álgebra moderna e introducción al algebra geométrica. Responsibility: Róbinson Castro Puche. Publication: Bogotá : Ecoe Ediciones, [2013]; Physical description: 1 online resource. Series: Ciencias exactas. Matemáticas. from Algebra

Online Courses Are Harming the Students Who Need the Most Help Consider a study conducted in the Chicago high schools. Students who had failed algebra were randomly assigned either to online or to face-to-face recovery courses. The results were clear: Students in the online algebra courses learned much less than those who worked with a teacher in a classroom. from Algebra

the monstrous moonshine picture – 2

Image Time to wrap up my calculations on the moonshine picture , which is the subgraph of Conway’s Big Picture needed to describe all 171 moonshine groups . No doubt I’ve made mistakes. All corrections are welcome. The starting point is the list of 171 moonshine groups which are in the original Monstrous Moonshine paper . The backbone is given by the $97$ number lattices, which are closed under taking divisors and were found by looking at all divisors of the numbers $N=n \times h$ for the 171 moonshine groups of the form $N+e,f,\dots$ or $(n|h)+e,f,\dots$. The Hasse-diagram of this poset (under division) is here (click on the image to get a larger version) There are seven types of coloured numbers, each corresponding to number-lattices which have the same local structure in the moonshine picture, as in the previous post . The white numbered lattices have no further edges in the picture. The yellow number lattices (2,10,14,18,22,26,32,34,40,68,80,88,90,112,126...

Tips to become an excel PRO For those who hate having to do the math , this is definitely the only route to go. And it's one of the many reasons that Microsoft Excel has played such a vital role in the world of business over the years. By the looks of it, Excel will continue to be the ultimate business staple for many. Excel Pro Tip 4 - Hide ... via Math Tips

Local Private School Offers High School Special Education They will be taking algebra 1 and algebra 2. They will be taking geometry,” says Palfry. Palfry adds that all of the teachers on staff are certified with teaching licenses which offers an another level of competency and guarantee for a higher quality of education. According to the Gorlich family, their kids are ... from Algebra

Ever-Changing Grade System for Public Schools in Flux Again Mississippi had planned to pay to create an Algebra II exam and administer it in high school to students who take Algebra I in eighth grade. But Oakley said federal officials now say Mississippi can continue with its current practice of giving both the eighth-grade math test and the Algebra I exam to those ... from Algebra