
Showing posts from August, 2020

Is mathematics real? A viral TikTok video raises a legitimate question with exciting answers Babylonian algebra . Buried in the deserts of modern Iraq, clay tablets from ancient Babylon have survived intact for about 4,000 years. These tablets are ... from Algebra

Math Tutor (HS & College) Algebra I & II Geometry Pre-Calculus Calculus I, II & III Linear Algebra Probability & Statistics Tutoring sessions available in-person or virtually, and ... from Algebra

Learning at Algebra Goes beyond Classroom to Day-to-day Activities Bridget Mukuhi Ngugi is a Software Engineering master student at Algebra University College, who packed her bags and moved from Kenya to ... from Algebra

Algebra and Logic | Volume 59, issue 2 Search SpringerLink. Search. You're seeing our new journal sites and we'd like your opinion, please send feedback. Journal cover. Algebra and Logic. from Algebra

WNCC's TRIO program looks forward Talbot, who'd been out of school since 2003, figured the biggest hurdle to getting her GED would be those Egyptian hieroglyphics, as known as algebra . from Algebra

Download PDF The. Cooperative Algebra Test, Form 1933 was given to the same group. Thc Ā·e students may be described as the usual freshmen found in a third class ... from Algebra

NPR News: Distance Learning Presents A Challenge For Students With ADHD

Distance Learning Presents A Challenge For Students With ADHD Distance learning is a big challenge for many students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other learning disabilities. And making it work often requires parents to become educators. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Communities Are Trying To Help Working Parents Who Face A Child Care Gap

Communities Are Trying To Help Working Parents Who Face A Child Care Gap With many schools opening up either part-time or remotely, working parents face a childcare gap. Districts and nonprofits are partnering to provide accessible childcare and remote learning options. Read more on NPR

Mommy Monday: Virtual Learning Tips from Google Expert Math work app! Download the free Socratic app and you can scan in a math problem from a workbook. Top 3 Tips from our Google expert: Teach from ... via Math Tips

Tell Us How College Is Different This Year


NPR News: Preventing College Parties? Shame And Blame Don't Work, But Beer Pong Outside Might

Preventing College Parties? Shame And Blame Don't Work, But Beer Pong Outside Might With desperate pleas and social contracts failing to curb college parties, schools have turned to punitive consequences. But are the students the ones to blame? Read more on NPR

NPR News: Learning Curve: We Meet A Mother Of 4 As The School Year Begins

Learning Curve: We Meet A Mother Of 4 As The School Year Begins NPR's Rachel Martin talks to a single mother in Charlotte, N.C., as her four children try to get online for their remote classes. Read more on NPR

5 Tips for an Effective Health Education Curriculum While there's no doubt that English, Math , and Science are important, health education classes can also have a huge impact on the overall quality of ... via Math Tips

Workshop on Computational Harmonic Analysis and Linear Algebra Workshop on Computational Harmonic Analysis and Linear Algebra . May 17 - 20, 2021, The Fields Institute. Location: Fields Institute, Room 230 ... from Algebra

NPR News: Mayors Of College Towns Brace For The Economic Impact Of Remote Learning

Mayors Of College Towns Brace For The Economic Impact Of Remote Learning Mayor Walt Maddox of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mayor Donnie Tuck of Hampton, Vir. and Mayor Bruce Teague of Iowa City, Iowa, on how they're trying to halt the spread of the coronavirus. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Learning Curve: One Las Vegas Family On Pivoting To Remote Learning

Learning Curve: One Las Vegas Family On Pivoting To Remote Learning The learning curve for families and educators this year is a big one. We hear from the Munoz family in Las Vegas about what their first week of remote school was like. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Mayors Of College Towns Face Economic Toll Of Remote Learning

Mayors Of College Towns Face Economic Toll Of Remote Learning NPR's Debbie Elliot asks Mayor Walt Maddox of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mayor Donnie Tuck of Hampton, Va., and Mayor Bruce Teague of Iowa City, Iowa, how they're trying to halt the spread of the coronavirus. Read more on NPR

Demotivating Students in the Middle of a Pandemic? ā€œEarlier this year my son's math teacher told him if he scored over 90 in math, he would qualify for Algebra 1 (advanced math). He scored over the ... from Algebra

Tips and tricks to make your iPhone work for you this school year ā€“ Video If you're looking for quick conversions from math or science assignments, there's no need to open a special app or even a browser window to find the ... via Math Tips

NPR News: With Virtual Rush, Fraternities And Sororities Race To Pitch More Than Parties

With Virtual Rush, Fraternities And Sororities Race To Pitch More Than Parties Greek organizations rely heavily on member dues. If chapters can't provide a meaningful experience online, one expert says, they may not survive the pandemic. Read more on NPR

Tutoring Online (Also, Algebra I, Writing and Government, 6-12) I have 23+ years of experience, certified with master's degree in general and special education. from Algebra

Georgia drops 4 previously required high school tests Georgia public high school students will take exams in algebra , American literature and composition, biology and U.S. History under a plan to cut four ... from Algebra

Jeanette Ray ā€“ Loves math and learning She is teaching algebra and pre- algebra . Mrs. Ray grew up in Las Vegas, the fourth child in a family of 10 children; she has six brothers and three sisters ... from Algebra

A Teen Girl Dared To Ask Where Math Came From and the Internet Went Nuts Calculus *IS* abstract! And higher level- math isn't rooted in the tangible world. ... and trolling.ā€”. Have a tip we should know? tips ... via Math Tips

Education options The Lord did not give you these children because you are underqualified. Hear that truth. People will say to me, ā€œI could never teach them algebra .ā€ Okay ... from Algebra

A Teen Girl Dared To Ask Where Math Came From and the Internet Went Nuts ... posted to TikTok where she earnestly asked about the origins of algebra was reposted to Twitter, the response was sudden and virulent. But so was ... from Algebra

Math tutor accused of molesting teenagers over 14-year span arrested Anonymous tips can be emailed to or sent by text message or voicemail to 650-383-8984. Tips also can be submitted ... via Math Tips

50 Data Science Jobs By Top Firms That Opened Just Last Week Skills Required: Linear algebra , statistics, optimisation, machine learning, signal processing, system identification, etc. Apply here. 4| Manager ā€“ Data ... from Algebra

Free Algebra Nation Workbooks The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) and Algebra Nation (AN) are happy to announce that ALL Algebra I students in MS public schools will ... from Algebra

NPR News: How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count

How Many Coronavirus Cases Are Happening In Schools? This Tracker Keeps Count Alisha Morris, a Kansas theater teacher, created a database of COVID-19 cases in schools. Now maintained by the National Education Association, it shares data that some schools prefer to keep quiet. Read more on NPR

NPR News: How Universities Are Tackling The Spread Of COVID-19

How Universities Are Tackling The Spread Of COVID-19 NPR's Rachel Martin talks to Christine Herman at University of Illinois and Sebastian Martinez at University of Missouri about the varied strategies colleges are taking on coronavirus testing. Read more on NPR

NPR News: As Schools Continue Virtual Learning, Some Families Struggle With Sharing Tech

As Schools Continue Virtual Learning, Some Families Struggle With Sharing Tech Millions of college students are starting the fall semester online ā€” that's meant some students are scrambling to get the technology they need to take the classes. Read more on NPR

This TikTok User Asked If Numbers Are Real, And Accidentally Started 2020's Biggest Argument But how would you come up with the concept of like, algebra . What would you need it for?ā€ In the hours after the TikTok went live, the clip gradually ... from Algebra

Georgia drops 4 previously required high school tests ATLANTA (AP) ā€” Georgia public high school students will take exams in algebra , American literature and composition, biology and U.S. History under a ... from Algebra

Houston Rep. Dan Crenshaw was one of the few RNC speakers who didn't mention Trump ā€œIt's the parent who will re-learn algebra because there's no way they're letting their kid fall behind while schools are closed.ā€ IN DEPTH: Dan ... from Algebra

School psychologist offers tips to handle stress of virtual learning She said to familiarize yourself with each school's website where resources are offered for math and reading, along with social and emotional concerns. via Math Tips

Palo Alto Police Arrest Private Math Tutor For Allegedly Molesting Female Students Anonymous tips can be e-mailed to or sent via text message or voice mail to 650-383-8984. Tips can also be submitted anony. via Math Tips

Hereā€™s What Americaā€™s Covid-Era Classrooms Look Like

By BY HANNAH WISE from NYT Education

Award-Winning Math Tutor Available for Your Pre-Teen or Teen Thirty-five years of experience at the middle School and high school level, teaching Pre- Algebra , Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, ... from Algebra

Hawaii schools drop online platform after objections raised Charles Souza, the education department's digital design team leader, said he tested the algebra class and checked with local schools that used ... from Algebra

Ready ccls grade 5 answers Aug 05 2020 ready-ny-ccls-grade-6- math -answers 1/5 PDF Drive - Search and download PDF files for free. ... grade 5 ela answer key, This content describes tips to reply to effectively inquiries on Yahoo Solutions and produce salary ... via Math Tips

NPR News: A Confusing Back-To-School Season May Lead To Blockbuster Spending

A Confusing Back-To-School Season May Lead To Blockbuster Spending Preparing for both in-person and virtual learning has families budgeting for new school supplies like masks and bleach wipes, but also bigger purchases like laptops, speakers, desks and chairs. Read more on NPR

NPR News: 'We're Living The News': Student Journalists Are Owning The College Reopening Story

'We're Living The News': Student Journalists Are Owning The College Reopening Story Student newsrooms have been tirelessly reporting on college reopening plans ā€” and their editorials haven't held back. Read more on NPR

EAB Outlines Five Things School Districts Should Do This Fall ā€œMissing important educational milestones like reading by the fourth grade or completing advanced algebra classes in high school has been shown to ... from Algebra

Algebra Teacher Candidates for this position should possess a BS degree in Mathematics, with the demonstrated ability to teach Algebra at the above referenced level. from Algebra

SCDE asks for input on waiving federal assessment exams for 2020-2021 school year ... (EOCEP) tests in Algebra 1, Biology 1, USHC, English 2, and English 1 (English 1 administered to specific students, as needed for accountability); ... from Algebra

NPR News: Colleges Report More COVID-19 Cases As Students Return To Campus

Colleges Report More COVID-19 Cases As Students Return To Campus While many colleges are online this semester, more than 20% of four-year schools are primarily in-person. More positive COVID-19 cases are emerging as students move back and socialize. Read more on NPR

Math Center Alec H. T F, Linear Algebra ODEs PDEs. Complex Variables Foundations of Analysis, Mathematica/WolframAlpha LaTex. from Algebra

NPR News: More Than 200 Ohio State University Students Suspended For Violating Pandemic Rules

More Than 200 Ohio State University Students Suspended For Violating Pandemic Rules Many of the students were attending off-campus parties in groups of 10 or more, prompting concern and pleas for cooperation from administrators. Read more on NPR

NPR News: University Of Alabama Reports More Than 560 New COVID-19 Cases In First Week

University Of Alabama Reports More Than 560 New COVID-19 Cases In First Week More than 530 of those cases are at its flagship campus in Tuscaloosa, prompting Mayor Walt Maddox to order bars to close for two weeks. Read more on NPR

How to Prevent Student Cheating During Remote Learning: 4 Tips Kerr, who teaches math and engineering in California's Fremont Unified School District, is always on the lookout for academic dishonesty. But she and ... via Math Tips

University of Colorado Denver professor wins $1.6 million National Science Found This project aims to serve students in the United States by transforming education practices in college-level algebra to promote students' reasoning. As ... from Algebra

NPR News: UNC Student Journalists Share What It's Like To Cover Campus Reopening

UNC Student Journalists Share What It's Like To Cover Campus Reopening Student journalists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were thrust into the spotlight after a headline with an expletive describing the coronavirus outbreaks on campus went viral. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Jerry Falwell Jr. Resigns As Liberty University's President

Jerry Falwell Jr. Resigns As Liberty University's President Jerry Falwell Jr. confirms to NPR via text message that he is resigning as Liberty University president after a confusing 24 hours over his status at the school. Read more on NPR

NPR News: New York City Educators Warn School Reopening Plan Is 'Missing Pieces'

New York City Educators Warn School Reopening Plan Is 'Missing Pieces' Of the nation's 10 largest school districts, New York City is the only one planning to open its doors to students. But objections are mounting over safety, logistics and money. Read more on NPR

Cardi B loves Offset's 'sexy' math skills The best tips on places to eat and things to do in Northeast Mississippi. Please purchase a subscription to continue reading. Your current subscription ... via Math Tips

NPR News: News Brief: Republican Convention, Wisconsin Protests, Jerry Falwell Jr.

News Brief: Republican Convention, Wisconsin Protests, Jerry Falwell Jr. Day 1 of the GOP convention rebutted the Democrats' convention. In Kenosha, Wis., peaceful protests end with fires and looting. And, Jerry Falwell Jr.'s role at Liberty University is in doubt. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Role At Liberty University Is In Question

Jerry Falwell Jr.'s Role At Liberty University Is In Question Jerry Falwell Jr. denies reports he resigned from Liberty University. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to Aram Roston of the Reuters News Agency about the allegations involving Falwell. Read more on NPR

GMAT 2020: 8 preparation tips to score high in GMAT exam Improve your mental math : Mental math is a time-saving tool you will want in your arsenal when it comes to the quantitative section. As you are ... via Math Tips

ā€œDeathStalkerā€ hackers are (most likely) older and extra prolific than we idea ... math tips to download control-server places. Different similarities had been variables with equivalent or an identical names, overlapping objectives. via Math Tips

Senior University Lecturer in Mathematics with specialisation in Algebra Research at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences is conducted in computational algebra , Lie algebra theory and representation theory, algebraic ... from Algebra

Are Real Yields a Fake-Out? Basic Math Says Yes. Basic Math Says Yes. The TIPS market makes it look as if inflation is coming, but one research model indicates it's just liquidity returning to more ... via Math Tips

Hagerstown Community College introduces virtual study halls for elementary and high school ... The virtual study rooms will cover subjects like algebra I, algebra II, geometry, pre-calculus, biology, chemistry, and physics. The study rooms can be ... from Algebra

List of Event Cancellations Grows for Area Schools It's like an advanced algebra equation where there are many letters, representing variables and unknowns, and few numbers. Thankfully, for area high ... from Algebra

Algebra ā€“ Expressions and Formulas Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. from Algebra

One activist is working for change in Jackson Maisie Brown of Jackson, Mississippi was sitting in her Algebra I class in 2016 when she was given an assignment to design a new Mississippi state ... from Algebra

10 of the smartest and most interesting math apps for upper elementary and middle school kids In those seven years, DragonBox's stable of apps has grown, but at its core are now two Algebra apps that take kids from the very first steps in ... from Algebra

NPR News: Florida Judge Rules State Order Requiring Schools To Reopen 'Unconstitutional'

Florida Judge Rules State Order Requiring Schools To Reopen 'Unconstitutional' The judge says the order disregards safety and denies local school boards' decision-making power. The Florida Department of Education has appealed the ruling. Read more on NPR

NPR News: 'It's Great To Live In Rural Maine,' Where Cases Are Low And Schools Are Open

'It's Great To Live In Rural Maine,' Where Cases Are Low And Schools Are Open Aroostook County has reported fewer than 40 COVID-19 cases since March. But even in an area with low infection rates, back to school looks a little different. Read more on NPR

Kids, What Are You Drawing?


NPR News: UNC's Attempt For An In-Person Fall Doesn't Go As Planned

UNC's Attempt For An In-Person Fall Doesn't Go As Planned Students across the U.S. are continuing to move into college dorms. At the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill that's happening in reverse. Students are moving out following COVID-19 outbreaks. Read more on NPR

Students like new Ike Middle School Eighth-grader Mya Bowden and pre- algebra teacher April Bowden show off some of the new technology at Ike Middle school during Open House ... from Algebra

Monday Motivation: 4 Ways To Improve At Maths If You Find It Difficult Like Kadambini Does In The ... Recognising this will help you get over any mental block that you have when it comes to maths . Which of these tips did you like the most? Let us know ... via Math Tips

Algebra Seminar Organizational Meeting (ZOOM) We will meet to discuss the Algebra Seminar for Fall 2020.If you wish to attend but didn't get a ZOOM invite, email me (Doug Brozovic) at ... from Algebra

Algebra of Article 142 of Constitution and Section 406 of CrPC: A tale of two provisions in Rhea's ... The recent judgment of the Supreme Court in the case of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has now taken a different turn in terms of ... from Algebra

Algebra Seminar Algebra Seminar. Share this page: Date: 09/30/2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Location: Zoom. Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):. Lara Bossinger, UNAM Oaxaca. from Algebra

NPR News: College Road Trip: UNC Students Move Out After COVID-19 Outbreak

College Road Trip: UNC Students Move Out After COVID-19 Outbreak College reopenings have been difficult, especially in the South, where coronavirus cases are surging? At UNC, students were asked to move out two weeks after the school year started. Read more on NPR

One activist is working for change in Jackson (AP) ā€” Misie Brown of Jackson, Mississippi was sitting in her Algebra I class in 2016 when she was given an assignment to design a new Mississippi ... from Algebra

NPR News: Michigan State University Students See Chaos After School Closes On Campus Housing

Michigan State University Students See Chaos After School Closes On Campus Housing Michigan State University closed on campus housing for the semester to minimize spread of COVID-19, affecting more than 5,000 students many who have already paid for their fall semester housing. Read more on NPR

NPR News: More Than 6,500 Teachers Have Had Unfair Student Debts Erased

More Than 6,500 Teachers Have Had Unfair Student Debts Erased After an NPR investigation led to an overhaul of the troubled TEACH Grant program, the U.S. Department of Education says teachers have had nearly $44 million in loans turned back into grants. Read more on NPR

NPR News: What It Looks Like When School, And Everything Else, Happens At Home

What It Looks Like When School, And Everything Else, Happens At Home Photographer Elizabeth Dalziel has been in charge of her sons' learning during lockdown. The time together has wrapped them in a tight hug that at times "feels like a boa constrictor's slow squeeze." Read more on NPR

Attendance to be limited as high school sports return High school athletic directors across the state are re-engaging their algebra skills this summer as they figure out how many spectators and where they ... from Algebra

Khan Academy founder's tips for educating kids in pandemic Multiple studies have found use of the platform is linked to higher test scores, particularly in math , and Khan Academy has established partnerships with ... via Math Tips

NPR News: School Nurses To Play Big Role In Eventual Reopening Of In-Class Learning In LA

School Nurses To Play Big Role In Eventual Reopening Of In-Class Learning In LA The Los Angeles Unified School District began virtual classes this week. The second-largest U.S. school district hopes students will be back in classrooms this year. To do that, nurses will be key. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Lessons From School Reopenings In Rural Maine

Lessons From School Reopenings In Rural Maine Maine has some of the lowest coronavirus infection rates in the country. And a few schools in rural districts have already opened their doors to in-person learning. Read more on NPR

NPR News: University Professors Share Their Thoughts On Colleges Reopening

University Professors Share Their Thoughts On Colleges Reopening NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with three professors from Colorado, Illinois and Georgia about their feelings on teaching this year and their colleges' reopening plans. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Lori Loughlin, Husband Set To Be Sentenced in College Admissions Scheme

Lori Loughlin, Husband Set To Be Sentenced in College Admissions Scheme The actress, best known as Aunt Becky in the sitcom Full House, and her fashion designer husband Mossimo Giannulli are expected to be sentenced Friday. They pleaded guilty to fraud charges in May. Read more on NPR

NPR News: For Students With Disabilities, Schools Say They Have To Do Better In The Fall

For Students With Disabilities, Schools Say They Have To Do Better In The Fall When U.S. schools went online-only in the spring, many struggled to provide vital services to students with disabilities. Families, advocates and many educators say this fall has to be different. Read more on NPR

NPR News: New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic Of the nation's 10 largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion. Read more on NPR

NPR News: New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic

New York City School Schools Face Strike As District Plans To Reopen Amid Pandemic Of the nations ten largest school districts, only New York City's schools plan to open. Now, the city is facing strike threats and mass confusion. Read more on NPR

NPR News: The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back

The Los Angeles Unified School District Has An Ambitious Plan To Bring Students Back The second-largest school distrct in the U.S. started virtual classes this week, but they want students back. Their goal? To test more than 600,000 students and staff, and nurses are key to the plan. Read more on NPR

Tips, gadgets for keeping your student on schedule during homeschooling One dad said he and his wife are both working from home while trying to keep their two boys, ages 9 and 6, changing from math to science to recess. via Math Tips

NPR News: Florida Education Chief On His State's Aggressive Approach To Reopen Schools

Florida Education Chief On His State's Aggressive Approach To Reopen Schools NPR's Ailsa Chang talks with Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran about the push to reopen schools in his state. Read more on NPR

NPR News: 2 High School Teachers Rap To Raise Student Morale

2 High School Teachers Rap To Raise Student Morale Two teachers at a high school in Albany, Ga., are raising student morale about virtual learning with a rap song that has gone viral. Read more on NPR

NPR News: As We Return To Work And School During The Pandemic, Can The Air Inside Be Kept Safe?

As We Return To Work And School During The Pandemic, Can The Air Inside Be Kept Safe? Changes to ventilation ā€” everything from opening windows to making pricey upgrades to HVAC systems ā€” can help reduce the risk of the coronavirus being spread inside a building. Read more on NPR

Scheck Hillel Community School Teacher & Osmo Ambassador Nancy Penchev Offers Teachers 3 ... She would love to share her tips and resources. Penchev, whose Instructional Technology classes cross a range of subjects (social studies, math , arts, ... via Math Tips

A Math Teaching Guide For Online Classes ... tips and tricks to learn complicated formulae, applications of mathematical laws and theorems in real life. Here are some tips for students, parents, ... via Math Tips

NPR News: For Standout Indiana High School Graduate, The Sky Is The Limit

For Standout Indiana High School Graduate, The Sky Is The Limit Taran Richardson is a star athlete, on the Dean's list and senior class president. He applied to 70 colleges and was accepted by 65. Richardson chose Howard University to study astrophysics. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Students With Disabilities Struggle To Learn Remotely

Students With Disabilities Struggle To Learn Remotely While many schools are continuing distance learning, educators want to do things differently this time for students who need special education services. Parents say the schools have to do better. Read more on NPR

Khan Academy founder's tips for educating kids in pandemic Khan, who studied computer science at MIT and has a Harvard business school MBA, devised many of the site's courses himself, particularly in math  ... via Math Tips

Tips for parents of youngsters starting a new school year Young children learn best by physically manipulating things, especially in subjects like math , she said. If they're studying fractions, get out the ... via Math Tips

Advanced Tips for Online Casino Players Do the Math . Essentially, gambling is all about numbers. Whether you are trying to create that perfect scale in rummy, are counting ... via Math Tips

'AskRose' homework helpline open for students "I get a lot of algebra 2 and geometry questions," Dones said. "Just last night I had a student who was really struggling at first and I was trying to slowly ... from Algebra

Advice King: Should I Homeschool My Kids? Looks like daddy has to relearn algebra . It's a little off-topic but, just now, typing the word ā€œ algebra ,ā€ it occurred to me that I didn't take advantage of the ... from Algebra

Lizada: Teaching Can you imagine a Grade School teacher handling 40 eleven-year-old children in a webinar? Go figure. Or try to teach a group of teenagers Algebra in ... from Algebra

NPR News: Georgia High School Teachers' Back-To-School Rap About Virtual Learning Goes Viral

Georgia High School Teachers' Back-To-School Rap About Virtual Learning Goes Viral Callie Evans and Audri Williams rapped about online learning and the COVID-19 pandemic from the empty halls of Monroe Comprehensive High School, backed up by mask-wearing, move-busting cheerleaders. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Move In, Move Out: For In-Person College, Everything Rests On The First Few Weeks

Move In, Move Out: For In-Person College, Everything Rests On The First Few Weeks Across the country, hundreds of thousands of college students are making their way to campus to begin the fall semester. Read more on NPR

NPR News: NYC Teacher Unions 'Prepared To Strike' If Safety Demands Are Not Met

NYC Teacher Unions 'Prepared To Strike' If Safety Demands Are Not Met The president of the city's United Federation of Teachers called for testing every student and staff member before the start of school, set for September 10. Read more on NPR

Classroom ability 'streaming' racist, new research claims It said fewer than half of Māori students sat the exam for level 1 algebra , but two-thirds of those who passed it went on to get NCEA level 3 and more ... from Algebra

Braces of order p2q In this paper, we classify the left braces of order p2q, where p,q are primes fulfilling q > p + 1. This classification includes a proof of three conjectures of ... from Algebra

Back to School: 11 virtual learning tips for high school students ... longtime math tutor and owner of Ashley Morris Tutors, which provides support in a variety of subjects, offers these tips for teenage virtual learners. via Math Tips

NPR News: Michigan State And Notre Dame Suspend In-Person Learning Over COVID-19 Concerns

Michigan State And Notre Dame Suspend In-Person Learning Over COVID-19 Concerns The University of Notre Dame is moving all undergraduate instruction online for two weeks after a surge in cases, while Michigan State University is asking students to stay home for the fall semester. Read more on NPR

NPR News: UNC Experience Should Be A Lesson To Other Universities, Says Faculty Chair

UNC Experience Should Be A Lesson To Other Universities, Says Faculty Chair UNC Chapel Hill had to cancel in-person classes after a surge in coronavirus cases. Mimi Chapman tells NPR that "should give every other large public university in the country pause." Read more on NPR

NPR News: 'I Am Terrified': Kansas Teachers Return To Classrooms Despite Fears

'I Am Terrified': Kansas Teachers Return To Classrooms Despite Fears Some Kansas teachers are returning to classrooms despite the pandemic. Otherwise, they may have to pay school districts thousands of dollars to find replacements or lose their teaching licenses. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Why UNC-Chapel Hill Decided To Move Classes Online

Why UNC-Chapel Hill Decided To Move Classes Online NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with Mimi Chapman, chair of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill faculty, about the school shifting undergraduate instruction online after a week on campus. Read more on NPR

NPR News: What It's Like To Move Into Dorms Amid The Pandemic

What It's Like To Move Into Dorms Amid The Pandemic Students at the University of Georgia move into dorms this week as Georgia continues to record more than 1,000 coronavirus cases a day. Read more on NPR

ACS hires 12 new teachers ā€œThis is where a counseling department is such a major factor,ā€ Sanders said. ā€œWe have this many students taking algebra one. So we need this many ... from Algebra

Iulian D. Toader, Why Did Weyl Think that Emmy Noether Made Algebra the Eldorado of Axiomatics? ... axiomatics, then focuses on his remarks on Noether's work, and argues against assimilating her use of the axiomatic method in algebra to his late ... from Algebra

Algebra Valued Partial b-Metric Spaces and Fixed Point Results with an Application In Section 3, we define the contraction condition in the setting of Cāˆ—- algebra valued partial b-metric space thereafter we prove fixed point result besides ... from Algebra

NPR News: Colorado Students Weigh In On Virtual Learning During The Pandemic

Colorado Students Weigh In On Virtual Learning During The Pandemic School children of all ages share their thoughts on remote learning ahead of the new school year. Most have mixed feelings about more remote learning. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Move-In Day: Cornavirus Reshapes The College Experience

Move-In Day: Cornavirus Reshapes The College Experience Th first stop on an NPR college road trip: move-in day at the University of Georgia, where thousands are beginning an unusual fall semester. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Morning News Brief

Morning News Brief A roundup of the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Amid postal changes, states consider changing mail-in ballot rules. And, students move back in at the University of Georgia. Read more on NPR

5 Tips and Tactics in Poker Poker is more of a mind game and is considered a mathematical game. Poker is just like math where you are given the task to find a solution to an ... via Math Tips

Onalaska ISD students return for first time since tornado, start of COVID-19 pandemic ā€œIt's been 6 months,ā€ Onalaska ISD Algebra I teacher Ashley Sustaita said. ā€œIt was great walking through those doors and seeing the kids. (Ashley ... from Algebra

LA Times Releases Annual Reading by 9 Guide The Los Angeles Times Reading by 9 annual resource guide , released on ... math and art while developing their age-appropriate literacy skills,ā€ Heber said. ... Also new in this year's guide are tools to help parents make the most of ... via Math Tips

TikTok Teaching: UAlbany Senior Turns to Social Media to Teach Thousands of Kids Math Math isn't easy for everyone, but for Josh Martin, it's second nature. ... of views on videos on topics ranging from calculus, algebra, and SAT tips . via Math Tips

Commentary: Tips for panicked parents on how to survive distance learning this fall When you're doing your best to help your child answer a math problem, or complete an experiment for their science class, and your way of solving the ... via Math Tips

Livingston Students Host Summer Algebra Courses to Benefit Hospital Workers This summer, the duo came together to create a math course that would teach students algebra ā€”which Hong said is ā€œarguably the most fundamental ... from Algebra

Columbus math teacher wins prestigious national award Henke, who has been with the district for seven years, teaches subjects including Algebra I, calculus, college algebra and trigonometry. from Algebra

Here Are 5 Tips From A Veteran Homeschool Mom For Parents Who Are Brand New To ... He's doing well in math now (thanks completely to the tutoring service we eventually enrolled him in), even excelling and calling it his favorite subject ... via Math Tips

TikTok Teaching: UAlbany Senior Turns to Social Media to Teach Thousands of Kids Math Math isn't easy for everyone, but for Josh Martin, it's second nature. ... The UAlbany senior is tutoring those who may struggle figuring out math problems. ... of views on videos on topics ranging from calculus, algebra, and SAT tips . via Math Tips

Tips for successful remote learning: "Understand what's achievable" "If your kids can get their math , their reading, their writing, depending on the age of the student, it can be anywhere from 20 minutes a day up to maybe ... via Math Tips

UAlbany Student Hopes His TikTok Lessons Can Continue His work helps kids understand everything from algebra to calculus through the minute-long videos. Martin says during the COVID-19 pandemic, ... from Algebra

Hilliard Schools Connection: One certainty during pandemic is that teachers mold the future I was sitting in Mrs. Campbell's algebra class on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1986. I was a freshman at Glastonbury High School. In an era before cellphones or ... from Algebra

NPR News: Los Angeles Schools Plan To Test Students And Employees For The Coronavirus

Los Angeles Schools Plan To Test Students And Employees For The Coronavirus The Los Angeles Unified School District announced plans for periodic coronavirus testing of students and employees to research the coronavirus and determine whether school reopenings are safe. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Rural Schools Struggle With Road Ahead In Era Of Coronavirus

Rural Schools Struggle With Road Ahead In Era Of Coronavirus Some schools across the country are under pressure to reopen for in-person classes, even in states like Idaho where coronavirus cases continue to rise out of control. Read more on NPR

Danica McKellar: 10 Tricks For Schooling At Home They'd ask which of my McKellar Math books would be most helpful, request advice on how to keep their kids focused on their schoolwork at home, ... via Math Tips

Handling choices requires foresight and hindsight I had taken chemistry and algebra . Using old-fashioned paper and pencil to study the 'Three Rs' at home has now been labeled as the asynchronous ... from Algebra

Math makes sense 5 teacher answers pdf Title: math makes sense grade Math Makes Sense 6 Teacher Guide Unit 8 Math Makes Sense 6 Teacher Yeah, reviewing a book Math Makes Sense ... via Math Tips
Image from Algebra

How to start home schooling during COVID-19: Requirements, curriculum and tips Many people take a hybrid approach, Kim said: A parent might teach reading and writing, and have their child take a math course online, along with ... via Math Tips

NPR News: Can Testing Students For Coronavirus Twice A Week Prevent Campus Outbreaks?

Can Testing Students For Coronavirus Twice A Week Prevent Campus Outbreaks? Some colleges are betting on new, proprietary tests they've developed to keep the college safe. The idea is, test everyone at least twice a week and you can catch most infections early. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Need A Laptop? Colleges Boost Loaner Programs Amid Pandemic

Need A Laptop? Colleges Boost Loaner Programs Amid Pandemic One in 10 U.S. college students doesn't have access to a laptop. The pandemic is pushing colleges to change that. Read more on NPR

Teacher offers parents tips for at-home learning Using plastic Easter eggs, she planned to stuff them with sight words and math problems, hide them around the house, then have her daughter read ... via Math Tips

Learn Linear Algebra in Five Hours Today with the Wolfram Language! Free, interactive intro to linear algebra course covers linear systems, geometric transformations, matrix operations, determinants, eigenvalues, plus ... from Algebra

Township of Union Education Foundation Announces Grant Recipients Jessica Cornacchia, Burnet Middle School, 8 th grade algebra 1 and honor algebra 1. ā€œMath in Motion: Introduction to Codingā€. This project will ... from Algebra

Algebra - General An online bookstore that financially supports local independent bookstores and gives back to the book community. from Algebra

LINEAR ALGEBRA & APPLICA LINEAR ALGEBRA & APPLICA. MATH221D.04D. Systems of linear equations and elementary row operations, Euclidean n-space and subspaces, ... from Algebra

NPR News: Colleges That Keep Small Isolated Towns Vibrant Now Pose Public Health Threat

Colleges That Keep Small Isolated Towns Vibrant Now Pose Public Health Threat Many of those institutions hung on year-to-year even before the pandemic. Now COVID-19 threatens to cut off the oxygen sustaining these schools, and the sports programs that drive enrollment. Read more on NPR

Smart start: Savvy tips to kick off a new school year Available in colors like "Rose Curve Gold" and "Measure Mint," these math and science machines help students grasp important STEM concepts and ... via Math Tips

Riskalyze CEO: 6 Tips for Advisors to Thrive in a 'Risk-First Decade' That is because math is a lot more reliable than predictions, especially right now, Klein said. ā€œPredicting the future is a really bad way to evaluate risk,ā€ ... via Math Tips

Johns Hopkins researchers receive $2.36M grant to boost city students' algebra skills The Baltimore Online Algebra for Students in Technology, or BOAST, program will be offered to 9th and 10th graders in 37 city schools starting in fall ... from Algebra

NPR News: DOJ: Yale Discriminates Against Asian American and White Applicants In Admissions

DOJ: Yale Discriminates Against Asian American and White Applicants In Admissions The Justice Department said its two-year investigation found that race is "the determinative factor in hundreds of admissions decisions each year." Yale categorically denies the allegation. Read more on NPR

NPR News: DOJ Investigation Finds Yale Discriminating Against Applicants On The Basis Of Race

DOJ Investigation Finds Yale Discriminating Against Applicants On The Basis Of Race NPR's Ari Shapiro talks with Melissa Korn of The Wall Street Journal about a Justice Department investigation that found Yale University is discriminating against Asian American and white applicants. Read more on NPR

Rockport High School Underclassmen Academic Awards Excellence in Honors Algebra II: Julia Drost, Lucas Sappia, and Bowen Slingluff. Excellence in Honors Algebra I: Amelia Lucas and Olivia McInerney,. from Algebra

Rep. Massie Performs Algebra to Argue Politicians Who Said '15 Days to Flatten the Curve' Were ... Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on Thursday showed algebra he performed that he said proved politicians who promised in March to quickly ā€œflatten the ... from Algebra

NPR News: Parents On How They Are Bracing For Another Semester Of Distance Learning

Parents On How They Are Bracing For Another Semester Of Distance Learning NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with parents from around the country about how they're preparing for another semester of remote learning. Read more on NPR

Polk State students and faculty: Math courses online? You've got this Williams took Developmental Math II and Intermediate Algebra online and praised Professor of Mathematics Bonny Hardesty for making the class ... from Algebra

Determining When an Algebra Is an Evolution Algebra More precisely we show that an n-dimensional algebra A is an evolution algebra if and only if a certain set of n symmetric nƗn matrices {M1,ā€¦,Mn} ... from Algebra

NPR News: Can Military Academies Serve As A Road Map For Reopening Colleges?

Can Military Academies Serve As A Road Map For Reopening Colleges? Mandatory masks, strict discipline and rigorous testing have helped the academies, including West Point and Annapolis, welcome students back to campus. Can other schools learn from their example? Read more on NPR

NPR News: The U.S. Military Is Using Esports As A Recruitment Tool

The U.S. Military Is Using Esports As A Recruitment Tool The military has jumped into the booming world of competitive electronic gaming called "esports." But the new approach to reaching potential new recruits comes with new challenges. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Some Colleges Offering Free Laptops For Students As Courses Go Virtual

Some Colleges Offering Free Laptops For Students As Courses Go Virtual Many colleges are moving forward with virtual fall semesters. For students, that means a laptop is essential. Some schools that are offering free laptops for students, but others are on the fence. Read more on NPR

Educational TikTok Is About Learning as Much as Escaping Reality ā€œOur community has been drawn to videos that highlight unique science experiments, useful life hacks, creative math tricks , easy DIY projects, and ... via Math Tips

Staten Island, NY Author Publishes Unique Mathematics Book The Ghost of Mathematics provides teachers, students, and parents alike with tips and strategies for overcoming these anxieties and inhibitions ... via Math Tips

How To Clean Up the Common Core Mess in Massachusetts Before 2010, about half of all grade 8 Massachusetts students had completed a traditional Algebra I course before entering grade 9. It sets them up for ... from Algebra

A note on geodesics of projections in the Calkin algebra If {\mathcal {A}} is a C^*- algebra , let {\mathcal {P}}_{\mathcal {A}} denote the set of (selfadjoint) projections in {\mathcal {A}}. {\mathcal {P}}_{\mathcal ... from Algebra

Collaborative Research: Algebra Instruction at Community Colleges Collaborative Research: Algebra Instruction at Community Colleges: Validating Measures of Quality Instruction (AI@CC .20). PERIOD: Sep 15, 2020. from Algebra

NPR News: Georgia Parents Rethink Kids Going To School After Year's Rough Start

Georgia Parents Rethink Kids Going To School After Year's Rough Start It's been a rough start of the school year in some Georgia districts. Several schools had to shut down, and hundreds of students and staff are now quarantining because of the coronavirus. Read more on NPR

NPR News: South Texas School District Becomes 1st In State To Cancel Fall Sports

South Texas School District Becomes 1st In State To Cancel Fall Sports Ben Bolt-Palito Blanco is the first school district in Texas to cancel fall sports. NPR's Mary Louise Kelly speaks with Athletic Director Gary Cunningham about the cancellation of athletics. Read more on NPR

NPR News: How The Coronavirus Has Upended College Admissions

How The Coronavirus Has Upended College Admissions Because of the pandemic, many students will be applying without standardized test scores and several other metrics selective schools have long relied on to make admissions decisions. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Rutgers President Discusses Decision To Postpone Fall Sports

Rutgers President Discusses Decision To Postpone Fall Sports The Big Ten and Pac-12 are the first major college football conferences to cancel the fall season during the pandemic. NPR talks to Rutgers University president Jonathan Holloway about the decision. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Ohio State Fans Hit Hard By Big Ten, Pac-12 Fall Sports Cancellation

Ohio State Fans Hit Hard By Big Ten, Pac-12 Fall Sports Cancellation With the Big Ten college football season postponed, Ohio State fans are among the more disappointed with the unprecedented move. Read more on NPR

NPR News: News Brief: Biden Names Running Mate, College Fall Sports Canceled, Belarus Election

News Brief: Biden Names Running Mate, College Fall Sports Canceled, Belarus Election Joe Biden names Kamala Harris as his running mate. The Big 10 and Pac-12 conference cancel all fall sports. And, Belarus' opposition candidate in the presidential election flees to Lithuania. Read more on NPR

Top 5 Tips for Managing Your Crypto Trading in 2020 Being successful in the markets and managing a crypto trade is not as much science as it is experience, intuition, and math . Knowing which way the ... via Math Tips

How to prepare for a math test and ace in it Tips to Help Study for a Math Test Easily. Do you struggle to study for a math test? You're not alone. Many students struggle when preparing for a math  ... via Math Tips

NPR News: Georgia Schools Quarantine Hundreds Of Students After Possible Coronavirus Exposure

Georgia Schools Quarantine Hundreds Of Students After Possible Coronavirus Exposure Barely a week after Georgia reopens its public schools, 38 students, ten teachers and two staff members test positive for the coronavirus, forcing the quarantine nearly 850 students. Read more on NPR

NPR News: How Students With Disabilities Would Go Back To School

How Students With Disabilities Would Go Back To School As schools plan ways to reopen, parents of students with disabilities have an extra layer of concern. Some therapies can't be replicated at home, but going to school might not be the safest option. Read more on NPR

Garcelle Beauvais Just Shared Some Big News About One of Her Sons ā€œMy son Jaid got into honors algebra ...which means I won't be able to help him,ā€ Garcelle tweeted with the crying laughing emoji on August 10. from Algebra

The 'summer slide' was tough before COVID-19, but getting kids in back-to-school mode is extra ... Here are some tips to get you started. ... For math , Losoff suggests talking fractions while cooking or baking and pointing out how many miles per hour ... via Math Tips

Smart savvy tips to kick off the school year Available in colors like ā€œRose Curve Goldā€ and ā€œMeasure Mint,ā€ these math and science machines help students grasp important STEM concepts and ... via Math Tips

Avon Parent Planned for Schools to Close, Plans to Hire Tutors He couldn't remember the trigonometry and algebra he studied in high school and worried he wouldn't be able to help his 10th-grade son with online ... from Algebra

Op-Ed: Tips for panicked parents on how to survive distance learning this fall Recipes include lessons in mathematics (measurement), reading and even history and culture. Have your child choose a recipe, read and follow the ... via Math Tips

NPR News: News Brief: COVID-19 And Kids, Beirut Blast Aftermath, Chicago Looting

News Brief: COVID-19 And Kids, Beirut Blast Aftermath, Chicago Looting Nearly 100,00 U.S. children tested positive for COVID-19 during last two weeks of July. Lebanon's government resigns. And, hundreds of young people go on a looting spree in downtown Chicago. Read more on NPR

NPR News: At Least 97,000 Children Tested Positive For Coronavirus In Last 2 Weeks Of July

At Least 97,000 Children Tested Positive For Coronavirus In Last 2 Weeks Of July President Trump falsely claimed that children are "almost immune" from the coronavirus, but a new review of state data finds child cases are up 40%. Read more on NPR

NOC:Applied Linear Algebra Courses; Electrical Engineering; NOC:Applied Linear Algebra (Video); Syllabus; Co-ordinated by : IIT Madras; Available from : 2020-08-06; Lec :1. from Algebra

NPR News: Indiana Education Head On Reopening Schools: Contract Tracing Is A 'Beast'

Indiana Education Head On Reopening Schools: Contract Tracing Is A 'Beast' School has started up for many students in Indiana, with a mix of in-person and online learning. Superintendent of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick says contact tracing is a big challenge. Read more on NPR

Homeschooling Your Kids For the First Time? These Tips Will Help You Do It Like a Pro! ... life and truly enjoy the freedom to educate your child in a way that works with your family schedule and value system. Read on for the tips . via Math Tips

Meet the Four Candidates Vying for a Seat on the Livingston Board of Education ... Livingston High School alumni and a rising fourth grader, is an algebra teacher with Montclair Public Schools, a professor in the New Jersey Institute ... from Algebra

Back to School: Helping Children with Math She offered a few tips for parents as they prepare for the school year: Know your child's strengths. Hunt said parents should work to notice their child's ... via Math Tips

'It's been a long five months', Nowata teacher excited to return to class ... five months since I've seen my kids and worked with them in the classroom,ā€ said Angelia Frankie, a Pre- Algebra teacher at Nowata Middle School. from Algebra

NPR News: Georgia High School 'Temporarily' Switches To Virtual Learning After 9 Positive Tests

Georgia High School 'Temporarily' Switches To Virtual Learning After 9 Positive Tests North Paulding High School made headlines when images of crowded hallways were posted on social media. The school is now switching to virtual learning for at least two days. Read more on NPR

NPR News: As Pandemic Hits Colleges' Finances, Small Town May Be Affected Too

As Pandemic Hits Colleges' Finances, Small Town May Be Affected Too Hundreds of small universities across the country may need to be shuttered due to COVID-19, and that means many tiny college towns across the country are also at risk. Read more on NPR

Northern Virginia organization provides Latinx students with laptops, internet, food So imagine not being able to ask your teacher questions about classes like Biology, U.S. government, U.S. history, and algebra . She says it was ... from Algebra

Tips for at-home learning with children ages 3 to 5 Dorogi says children ages 3 to 5 can learn math using everyday items. ā€œIf I have five Cheerios on the table this is what five looks like and it's a small ... via Math Tips

Some Trends in Algebra Plenary speakers: Simion Breaz (Babes-Bolyai Univ. Cluj). Alberto Facchini (Univ. Padova). Ruediger Goebel (Univ. Duisburg-Essen). Pedro Guil ... from Algebra

NPR News: Arkansas Superintendent On Opening Schools In Person Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

Arkansas Superintendent On Opening Schools In Person Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks with interim superintendent Keith McGee about the process of starting the school year with in-person teaching in Arkansas' North Little Rock School District. Read more on NPR

NPR News: School Is Starting. What Does That Mean For You?

School Is Starting. What Does That Mean For You? With so many plans for reopening schools, NPR wants to hear what plans have been proposed where you live and how they're affecting your daily life. Read more on NPR

Teaching Math Online At 80, Ambuja Iyer Says Journey Not Over Yet She prepared some useful tips and some good content and started a Math Forum with 50 other teachers on WhatsApp and started mentoring Maths  ... via Math Tips

Calculating Minds Connects Knoxville Students with Math Help ... offering innovative and personalized math tutoring to students in Kindergarten through Algebra , announced today website changes to better connect ... from Algebra

Judy Guenseth: Algebra connected to real world problems Does anyone remember the Algebra problem where two trains are speeding toward each other but several hundred miles apart? Students had to ... from Algebra

'Family Reunion' star Tia Mowry shares her top parenting tips for back-to-school ... help her learn the alphabet, how to tell time and decipher math equations. ... She shares cooking tips and life hacks on the digital series Tia Mowry's ... via Math Tips

A Look Back: From the Gazette Archives Mrs. McKay will teach College Algebra and Intermediate Algebra . 25 Years Ago. ā–”Potential mayoral challenger Roy C. Martin said he will ask the ... from Algebra

Joint NU/UIC/UofC algebra and geometry seminar: Equations and syzygies for varieties of binary ... Joint NU/UIC/UofC algebra and geometry seminar: Equations and syzygies for varieties of binary forms, by Claudiu Raicu. August 12, 2020. 3:00 PM ... from Algebra

Hart District Updates Online Learning Plans for Fall 2020 Semester ā€œMeaning if the schedule says I have Algebra 1 at 8 a.m., I have Algebra 1 at 8 a.m. Not at 3 in the afternoon.ā€ The suggestions given to the parents by ... from Algebra

HPMS hosts summer algebra class Tiffanee Nagy was one of two algebra teachers in ā€œJumpstartā€ classes at HPMS in July, acquainting Algebra I students with new concepts and with Nagy ... from Algebra

NPR News: Gov. Cuomo Clears The Way For In-Person Learning At Schools In New York State

Gov. Cuomo Clears The Way For In-Person Learning At Schools In New York State Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday that infection rates were low enough that local districts could opt to bring kids back into classrooms if they wanted. Many teachers oppose the decision. Read more on NPR

Registration for fall classes underway at WSCC-Demopolis campus Classes being offered include: Intermediate College Algebra , Precalculus Algebra , Introduction to Information Systems, Music Appreciation, English ... from Algebra

Project MISS Students Do the Math Virtually This Summer The 72 high school students ā€” 28 in algebra II and 44 in precalculus ā€” who participated represented 42 schools and 40 different cities across the ... from Algebra

SHOULD YOU HIRE A TUTOR FOR YOUR CHILD? Can you share tips for kids to transition from having tutoring assistance to ... As for my son, we do some math , writing, and reading exercises every ... via Math Tips

NPR News: A Cooking Camp Chef's Recipe For Remote Education: Make It Ambitious

A Cooking Camp Chef's Recipe For Remote Education: Make It Ambitious Online instruction is hard, right? Well there's a teacherā€”a chef, actuallyā€”who appears to have cracked the code. She says her cooking classes for kids work better now than when they were in person. Read more on NPR

NPR News: Colleges Begin New Academic Years As Pandemic Continues

Colleges Begin New Academic Years As Pandemic Continues A look at testing, the role of student social behavior and the impact of domestic travel restrictions/quarantine requirements. Read more on NPR